Your Uninstaller! 7.5.2013.02 Full License Key
Your Uninstaller! 7.5.2013.02 Full License Key
Mirrors: Sharebeast
Setelah sekian lama hanya merilis versi update dari Your Uninstaller! 7.4, akhirnya software uninstaller yang satu ini resmi di rilis versi 7.5 2013. Nah, jika anda bertanya-tanya tentang software apa saja yang wajib terinstall di pc kita ? mungkin salah satu jawabannya adalah software uninstaller. Dari sekian banyak software uninstaller yang pernah saya gunakan, Your Uninstaller! 7.5 full versi inilah yang sangat saya rekomendasikan. Karena selain tampilannya yang friendly, Your Uninstaller! juga sangat cepat dalam menghapus program yang sudah tidak kita perlukan lagi. Software ini akan dengan otomatis menghapus dan membersihkan folder, file dan registry-registry dari program yang di uninstall. Hal ini tentunya tidak akan dapat di lakukan jika kita menguninstall program melalui Add or Remove programs bawaan Windows.
- Completely remove any application installed.
- Deep scan of registry and entire disk for unused registry entries and files.
- Remove programs that could not be removed by Add/Remove Program.
- Uninstall screen savers. [PRO]
- Remove internet surfing traces.
- Backup and restore registry.
- Registration key management.
- Built-in Disk Cleaner helps you find and remove unnecessary files on your disk to save space and make computer faster! [PRO]
- Built-in IE Context Menu Cleaner, cleans the context menu of Internet Explorer. [PRO]
- Built-in Startup Manager, take full control of Window startups. [PRO]
- Fix invalid desktop shortcuts and start menu shortcuts.
- Get the applications detail info even if it hide itself in deep directory, especially useful for finding out "Spy" applications. [PRO]
- Backup/restore installed-applications information.
- Uninstall with SINGLE drag-drop! Just drop a file on Your Uninstaller! icon on the desktop to see what happens! [PRO]
- List installed applications with appropriate icons(same as you see in the Start Menu), you can easily find the application you want to uninstall.
- Powerful search feature allows you quickly find the program you are about to uninstall.
- Automatic detection of invalid installations and removing them with one click.
- Force removal of uninstall related entries in the registry(care to use!). [PRO]
- Lighting speed at startup, 5-10 times faster than Add/Remove Program of Windows XP!
- Export programs list to file or printer.
- More ...
Link download
Mirror via Sharebeast
Password: koskomputer
1. Unrar
2. Install Your Uninstaller! & Run programnya
3. Gunakan license key untuk mengaktivasi Your Uninstaller!
4. Enjoy
Genuine Registry Doctor Full Crack
Genuine Registry Doctor Full Version
Mirrors: Sharebeast
Genuine Registry Doctor adalah sebuah software utilitas yang berfungsi untuk memeriksa, membersihkan registry, mengoptimalkan registry, dan melakukan perbaikan bug pada registry, serta mengganti registry lama yang sudah out date dan menggantikannya dengan yang baru. Dengan software ini anda dapat menjaga agar Windows anda selalu dalam keadaan yang sehat dan selalu berada pada performa terbaiknya.
Solid scan and fix
Completely scan the entire system and diagnose problems of registry, privacy, junk files and system. Genuine Registry Doctor offers you a way to fix all the errors and optimize PC system.
A number of built-in utilities, such as Startup Manager, Disk Cleaner, File Pulverizer, etc., strongly enhance the performance of Genuine Registry Doctor. You just need one small free app to own all the useful functions.
The very smooth download and installation, the clean and well-organized interface, the easy-to-understand navigation make Genuine Registry Doctor extremely easy to handle even for the novices.
100% free and safe
Genuine Registry Doctor would like to allow users to enjoy the free software, clean and safe PC environment. There is no adware, no spyware, no viruses in it, and it will never let you down.
Automatic protection
Genuine Registry Doctor makes all its efforts to protect your PC and your privacy under real-time protection by its smart automatic scan and sweep function.
Link download
Mirror via Sharebeast
Password: koskomputer
1. Ekstrak rar
2. Install Genuine Registry Doctor
3. Copy & paste file crack ke folder installasi programnya
4. Enjoy
Windows Repair (All in One) v1.9.9
Windows Repair (All in One) v1.9.9
Mirrors: Sharebeast
Windows Repair All in One merupakan sebuah software yang berfungsi untuk memperbaiki kerusakan-kerusakan yang terjadi pada Windows Operating System, baik itu kerusakan yang terjadi akibat Virus ( Malware ), konflik aplikasi ataupun di karenakan sebab lainnya. Windows Repair ( All in One ) v1.9.9 dapat di gunakan untuk memperbaiki kerusakan yang terjadi pada Windows XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, 7 dan 8. Software ini sangat di rekomendasikan untuk terinstall di PC anda, terutama bagi teman-teman yang menggunakan OS Windows bajakan ( Cracked ) maupun yang tidak memiliki CD Installer windows Original.
- Reset Registry Permissions
- Reset File Permissions
- Register System Files
- Repair WMI
- Repair Windows Firewall
- Repair Internet Explorer
- Repair MDAC & MS Jet
- Repair Hosts File
- Remove Policies Set By Infections
- Repair Icons
- Repair Winsock & DNS Cache
- Remove Temp Files
- Repair Proxy Settings
- Unhide Non System Files
- Repair Windows Updates
- Repair CD/DVD Missing/Not Working
- and more...
Link download
Mirror via Sharebeast
Password: koskomputer
1. Unrar
2. Install Windows Repair
3. Enjoy
Ashampoo WinOptimizer 10.01.00 Portable
Ashampoo WinOptimizer 10.01.00 Portable
Mirrors: Sharebeast
WinOptimizer merupakan sebuah software utilities yang memiliki kemampuan sangat baik dalam mengoptimalkan, membersihkan dan memperbaiki error / masalah yang terjadi pada windows kita. Kemampuan software tidak kalah dengan software utilities lainnya seperti TuneUp Utilities, Advance System Care dan lain sebagainya. Antar muka WinOptimizer termasuk sangat user friendly dan dapat dengan mudah di gunakan oleh siapa saja.
System maintenance
Optimal system maintenance through efficient cleaning and defragmentation
- One-Click Optimizer: Quick system optimization with just one click.
- Drive Cleaner: Finds and deletes redundant files.
- Registry Optimizer: Finds and deletes unnecessary or faulty entries in the registry.
- Internet Cleaner: Traces left behind when surfing the Internet are erased.
- Defrag 3: Defragmentation of hard drives (pro-active defragmentation and boot-time defrag).
Transparency and comparability with the help of information and diagnosis tools
- System Information: Comprehensive and clear information on installed hardware and software (operating system, processor, chip set, drives, etc.).
- DiskSpace Explorer: Analysis of file groups, e.g. audio or video files, and information on their space consumption.
- System Benchmark: The performance of the main memory is determined and the processor is tested. The results can be compared online with the ones of other users.
- Disk Doctor: Hard drives are checked for errors and faulty files can be restored.
Get rid of unnecessary droppings in performance with integrated management and tuning modules
- Service Manager: Optimization and management of installed services and own rating of services.
- StartUp Tuner: Management of applications that are launched when Windows® starts.
- Internet Tuner: Automatic or manual optimization of the system settings for the hardware and bandwidth of the Internet connection.
- Process Manager: This module gives an overview about all currently running processes.
- UnInstall Manager: Uninstalls applications and faulty entries successfully.
A set of tools to delete and encrypt files and folders as well as to restore and send files.
- File Wiper: Irrevocable and safe deletion of files and folders.
- File Encrypter & Decrypter: Encrypt and decrypt files.
- File Splitter & Joiner:Splits a file into several small ones, in order to, for example, send them by e-mail and merge them again afterwards.
- Undeleter:Restores accidentally deleted files.
Perfect configuration of the Windows® operating system and adjustment to own requirements
- Tweaking: The access to a lot of hidden system settings enables a detailed customization of the system and frequently used applications.
- AntiSpy: Adjustment of interfaces and hidden options in Windows®, in order to disable undesired data transmission.
- File Associator: Management of installed data formats as well as repairing or deletion of faulty data formats.
- Context Menu Manager: Manages context menus of the Windows explorer and helps with the adjustment to individual requirements.
- Icon Saver: Saves the icon positions on the desktop and restores them, if necessary.
Comfortable backup management and customization of modules
- Backup Management: Management of existing backups.
- Tuning Assistant: Helps new users to optimize their system.
- Task planner: Planning of tasks and their automatic execution at an appointed time.
- Settings: Settings for this software and single modules can be adjusted.
Link download
Mirror via Sharebeast
Password: koskomputer
1. Unrar
2. Run Ashampoo WinOptimizer 10.exe
3. Enjoy
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